A regulatory dialogue visit of Vietnamese officials to Greece, Spain and Belgium, 26-30 June 2023

This regulatory visit aimed at strengthening and improving conditions for the EU food and drink industry to reach markets in Vietnam. This activity has enhanced the mutual understanding of the EU sanitary and phytosanitary control measures, improving regulatory cooperation on SPS and food safety between competent authorities – EU Commission, EU Member States and Vietnam – expanding therefore economic opportunities for EU businesses. Also, the visit aimed at promoting the removal of unjustified restrictions and obstacles that may result from the relevant control measures, and thereby to facilitate the access of EU markets.

In the period 26th to 30th June 2023, a team of officials from Vietnam, mainly from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Plant Protection Department, along with experts from other departments, visited several establishments in the EU and discussed with their counterparts, EU MS, representatives of the industries and experts. Also, meetings with the officials from DG TRADE and DG SANTE were organised in Brussels. The visit demonstrated in addition how EU policies are based on constant scientific advice, how they’re meticulously implemented by EU MS and which mechanisms exist to guarantee and check that they’re in enforcement in all Member States.

Since various private-sector establishments were visited, the delegates gained a better understanding on practical aspects of various food produced in Europe (amongst others, oranges, peaches, kiwis and related products). The delegates were impressed by the level of technology used in the establishment visits (in particular responding to their request to better discuss aspects concerning agriculture techniques adopted in the visited MS). Moreover, due to the visits to DG SANTE and DG TRADE, the delegates were able to get a better understanding on the relevant EU legislations related to food safety and plant health to contribute to increase confidence of the Vietnamese representatives, leading to a facilitation of imports and exports. Indeed, meetings with the EU Commission in Brussels provided opportunities to explain and discuss plant control policies and the TRACES multilingual online platform for certification and traceability.

Ultimately, this led to a better and global understanding and appreciation of the EU market.

A regulatory dialogue visit of Vietnam to Europe on Animal Product in Portugal, Czech Republic and Sweden, 5 – 14 June 2023

This regulatory visit aimed at strengthening the cooperation on SPS compliance with Vietnam. More specifically, this activity aimed at improving the understanding of the Vietnamese officials on EU’s sanitary and phytosanitary rules and control systems in place.

AETS organised and coordinated this study visit from 5th to 14th June 2023, carried out by a delegation of officials from Vietnam (composed of 5 persons in total), for a period of 1.5 weeks in Portugal, Czech Republic and Sweden. The itinerary of the activities in the EU MS was carefully coordinated between AETS and the various EU Member States.

One of the key success factors of this regulatory visit was that the programme consisted of a balanced mix between meetings/visits with/of the private sector (production and processing procedures) as well as the public sector (ministries). Since various private sector establishments were visited, the delegates gained a better understanding of how animal products are being produced/processed in the EU. Noteworthy is that the delegates were impressed by the level of technology used in the establishment visits.

Therefore, this Regulatory Dialogue Visit undoubtedly contributed to a better understanding and appreciation of the EU’s animal health and veterinary system (and products)The exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge will contribute to an increased trust in the EU system, and the respective quality standards and control in place in the various EU Member StatesThese factors could potentially, and ideally, lead to approved market access to Vietnam for European establishments.